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Acoustic Rock Bands

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Acoustic Rock - Alternative Rock - Art Rock - Avantgarde Rock - Blues Rock - Classic Rock - Crossover
Dark Rock - Deutschrock - Electronic Rock - Emo Rock - Folk Rock - Gitarren Rock - Gothic Rock
Hard Rock - Industrial Rock - Latin Rock - Melodic Rock - Noise Rock - Oldschool Rock - Progressive Rock
Psychedelic Rock - Retro-Rock - Rock & Roll - Rockabilly - Southern Rock - Surf Rock

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Name sort Genre PLZ sort Ort  Hits/Tag sort Konzert
Marvin And The Sinking Ship  Acoustic Rock, Cool Jazz, Folk Rock, Alternative Folk pop  Deutschland47269 Duisburg  0.2
Ship Under Turn  Acoustic Rock, Alternative Rock, Grunge Rock, Funk-Rock  Deutschland40225 Düsseldorf  0.1
BlackJackStone  Acoustic Rock, Folk Rock  Deutschland40229 Düsseldorf  0.6
Jeans and More  C: Acoustic Rock, Pop  Deutschland40 Düsseldorf  0.1
Alex Amsterdam  Acoustic Rock, Britpop, Singer / Songwriter  Deutschland40477 Düsseldorf  0.1
2nd Hand  C: Acoustic Rock, Singer / Songwriter, Melodic Pop, Unplugged Duo  Deutschland40789 Düsseldorf, Monheim am Rhein  0.2
Fake Gods  Folk Rock, Folk, Acoustic Rock  EnglandG74 3HY East Kilbride  0.1
Peanut & Band  C: Classic Rock, Acoustic Rock  Deutschland74246 Eberstadt  1.0
Norman Lamont  Acoustic Rock, Art Rock, Singer / Songwriter  Englandeh309xl Edinburgh  0.2
Müller & friends  C: Acoustic Rock, Deutschrock, Latin Rock, eigenes Material  Deutschland76344 Eggenstein  0.7
greyhead  Folk Rock, Gitarren Rock, Acoustic Rock, Americana  Niederlande Emmen Drenthe  0.1
Acoustic Adventure  C: Acoustic Rock, Melodic Rock, Rock  Deutschland72186 Empfingen  0.1
Saitenwind  Acoustic Rock, Ballade (dt.), Singer / Songwriter, Akustik Pop, Folk, Rock  Deutschland66571 Eppelborn  0.1
Finest Friends  C: Classic Rock, Acoustic Rock, Blues Rock  Deutschland69214 Eppelheim  0.4
Third Generation  C: Blues Rock, Rock, Acoustic Rock  Deutschland41812 Erkelenz  0.1
Blue Sunday  Acoustic Rock, Accoustic Rock & More  Deutschland91054 Erlangen  0.1
Nordmannenzorn  Folk Metal, Acoustic Rock  Deutschland91 Erlangen  0.1
Heaven in Hell  C: Classic Rock, Hard Rock, Acoustic Rock, Rock der 80er  Deutschland88453 Erolzheim  0.4
thoughts paint the sky  Emocore, Screamo, Acoustic Rock  Deutschland45359 Essen  0.1
Ro`Shan  Singer / Songwriter, Acoustic Rock, Soul, Reggae, Deutsch  Deutschland45130 Essen  0.2
Doc Martin  C: Acoustic Rock  Deutschland45147 Essen  0.1
Storyteller  C: Acoustic Rock  Deutschland538 Euskirchen  0.1
Oneway  C: Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Acoustic Rock  Österreich Feldkirch  0.1
Jogo  C: Oldies, Singer / Songwriter, Acoustic Rock  Deutschland90537 Feucht  0.1
nepØmuk  Acoustic Rock, Britpop, Country/Western (am.)  Deutschland25899 Flensburg, Niebüll  0.2
Spontan  Acoustic Rock, Classic Rock, Pop  Deutschland91301 Forchheim  0.1
Jo Jena  Electronic, Acoustic Rock, Experimental  Deutschland60 Frankfurt  0.1
Harpers Ferry  C: Acoustic Rock, Unplugged Acoustic Harmony  Deutschland63263 Frankfurt  0.1
exeeed  C: Acoustic Rock, Pop  Deutschland60 Frankfurt  0.1
Rodger Christmann  Acoustic Rock, Blues Rock, Easy Listening, Acoustic Soul Rock  Deutschland60322 Frankfurt  0.1
Räubertöchter  Acoustic Rock, Mini-Rock  Deutschland60 Frankfurt  0.1
jetlagged  Indie Pop, Indie-Rock, Acoustic Rock  Deutschland60598 Frankfurt am Main  0.3
Duett Komplett  C: Acoustic Rock  Deutschland60 Frankfurt am Main  0.1
Fine Smart Music  C: Acoustic Rock, Ballade (dt.), Singer / Songwriter, Pop, Soul, Musical, Blues, Rock  Deutschland63796 Frankfurt, Aschaffenburg, Kahl, Darmstadt, Gelnhausen, Alzenau, Hanau  0.1
TwoOne  Singer / Songwriter, Acoustic Rock, Pop  Deutschland65817 Frankfurt, Eppstein  0.0
Handmade  C: Acoustic Rock, Country/Western (am.), Folk  Deutschland15230 Frankfurt/Oder  0.1
Synchronized System  Acoustic Rock  Portugal4400-231 Gaia  0.0
Peter Byrne and the Glass Onion Band  Acoustic Rock  Irland Galway  0.1
Southern Acoustic Band  C: Acoustic Rock  Deutschland73312 Geislingen  0.5
Mindpassenger  C: Acoustic Rock  Deutschland45892 Gelsenkirchen  0.1
Andreas Kümmert  Acoustic Rock, Blues Rock, Country/Western (am.), soul, folk, blues  Deutschland97737 gemünden am main  0.2
Eric A.M.  Acoustic Rock, Southern Rock, Singer / Songwriter  Deutschland35390 Giessen  1.5
Maggie Reilly  Acoustic Rock  England Glasgow  0.1
The Follies  Acoustic Rock, Folk Rock, Singer / Songwriter  England Glasgow  0.1
sUnFiTz  Acoustic Rock, Akustik RockStomp  Deutschland08371 Glauchau  0.1
Hellsongs  Indie Pop, Acoustic Rock, Singer / Songwriter  Schweden Gothenburg  0.1
Pure Acoustic  C: Acoustic Rock, Indie Pop, Singer / Songwriter, Balladen, Acoustic  Deutschland86836 Graben  0.1
Kulturschock  Alternative Rock, Acoustic Rock, Crossover, tiefsinniger marshmallow kirschcolawolkesieben kellerpopfunkrock  Österreich8054 Graz  0.1
desperate to amuse  Singer / Songwriter, Shoegazing, Acoustic Rock, gothic folk post rock  Österreich8020 Graz  0.1
JaNina Diestler  Singer / Songwriter, Indie Pop, Acoustic Rock  Deutschland174 Greifswald  0.1
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